Good words masquerading as bad words - Part 1
Words such as hoarding, profit, surge-pricing, black money have come to hold a very negative meaning in our society. The negativity...
A take on life as it passes by...
A spectator's take on life
Good words masquerading as bad words - Part 1
Better documentation: Articles as band-aid
Those Muslim men and their four wives
What's good for the rich is bad for the poor
Making documentation a key activity
Heads you lose, tails you lose!
Potato Fried
Why it is your religious duty to get vaccinated
Why its patriotic to take the vaccine
Chicken Pan Rice
Cheesy Chicken Omelet
Cucumber Rice Recipe
Simple Dal Dosa Recipe
RftC - Making Wellness Count
Catholics and their idols
The Fig Leaf of Tradition
The Lack of Imagination
Defining Nationhood
The Immorality of Social Distancing
What is Citizenship?