Good things do come out of UP! I was surprised to read the following headline – On Sarkari Payroll? Send Your Children to Government School: UP Court.
Essentially, what the court is saying is that if the IAS officers, IPS officers, judges and ministers send their kids to public schools, the quality of education will improve because these officials will ensure adherence to the minimum requirements set down by the education ministry and various boards. I think this is fabulous.
Kundanbagh, in Hyderabad, is the area behind the Lifestyle mall. Recently, I had reason to go deeper into the Kundanbagh area when visiting a friend’s house and I was surprised at the cleanliness and order in the area. Homes of IAS officers working for the Telangana and Andhra governments dominate this area. It is amazing how different the environment in this area is when compared to even upmarket areas such as Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills. There have been stories of people being asked to show permission letters for digging bore wells in the area.
For the uninitiated, the digging of a bore well is at the same time a noisy and a dusty affair. Essentially a bit is used to drill a long (often as deep as 300 ft. or more), tubular hole into the ground in search of water. Apart from the racket the drill creates, this also throws up huge amounts of fine sand which envelopes the neighboring area for days, if not months. I didn’t know that digging a bore well required government permission until I heard the story of it being asked for in Kundanbagh.
This, and other instances like this, make me believe that if the Allahabad court’s order is implemented we will see a dramatic rise in the quality of education offered by our public schools.
Forget Mulayam and his wonderings on whether four men can actually rape one woman and let’s hear it for the Allahabad High Court. Way to go gentlemen!